Engaging with young people as a mentor can be difficult but Stephanie George draws on years of experience to provide tried and tested activities that will help. The activities provide specific structured tasks that can be used during mentoring meetings and to support mentoring intervention. The activities will build rapport, provide evidence of progress through assessment and cover specific issues such as improving attendance, time management, study skills, how to think more positively, conflict resolution and anger management.
The mentoring activities include:
- Knowing me, knowing you – Building rapport with a student
- Planning the journey – Giving students a baseline for improvement
- Initial self-assessment – Providing a baseline for measuring progress
- Student re-assessment and evaluation – Giving students the opportunity to re-assess their progress
- Target setting and action planning – Develop targets and a plan of action
- Show me the difference – Students demonstrate that there is a measurable progress
- Improving attendance – Develop strategies to improve attendance
- And the moral of the story is – Stimulates the concept of conscience
- Let me tell you a story – Students consider choices and consequences
Each activity is mapped specifically against Ofsted Spiritual Moral Social and Cultural (SMSC) Development Criteria (Ofsted Evaluation Framework September 2012 onwards), and the SMSC criteria applicable are indicated. The activities, once complete, will provide you with evidence of work with students that is demonstrable to them and other stakeholders.
This book is an essential tool for learning mentors, behaviour mentors, inclusion teams and SEN teams.
82 page A4 ring bound book
Stephanie George is an assistant head teacher and a Member of The Plashet School Learning Mentor Team who have won The National Award for The Best Learning Mentor Team in the UK.
“In her manual Activities for Mentoring Young People Stephanie George has developed a comprehensive programme of activities to enable children and young people in their life choices and relationships. This is the key theme of the text; how children and young people can learn to undertake more reflective and purposeful choices. The activities range from self-awareness and understanding social relationships to the management of conflict. Each activity builds on key understandings and social/relational skills that enable self-awareness and emotional/social intelligence that with the supportive, patient and caring mentorship this programme endorses can only enhance, encourage and equip the children and young people we seek to support.” Bill Rogers, Education Consultant
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