Search Results for: Ball

Attitude Thumball

Players read and respond to prompts about how to have a more positive attitude. Discussion may include knowing the difference between a negative attitude versus a positive attitude, how to change a negative attitude to a positive one, and how your attitude can affect the outcome of some situations. Thumball is a soft stuffed ball […]

Acts of Kindness Thumball

Players are encouraged to put words into action and spread kindness. Toss the ball and wherever your thumb lands will be the act of kindness to perform that day. Players are encouraged to report back how the act of kindness made them feel and how they think it affected someone else. This Thumball™ will build […]

Emoji Feelings Thumball

With this ball, players learn about emotions and develop their feeling word vocabularies. If it is an Emoji, tell one or more words that describe that feeling. If it is a word, tell about a time you felt that way. Or players could tell about a situation and then others can identify a word or […]

Mindfulness Thumball

Players read and respond to prompts about mindfulness. Topics include self-calming, insightfulness, irrational thoughts, self-awareness, believe & achieve and “The Present Is a Gift”. Thumball is a soft stuffed ball to throw, roll, or pass in a circle or randomly. Catch it! Look under your thumb. Respond to the prompt. Kids absolutely love this interactive […]

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