This easy-to-use and creative card game encourages reflection, discussion, and learning about social skills in a fun and entertaining way. Designed either as a stand alone PSHE activity or a supplement to an emotional literacy programme, Empathy Game helps students develop empathy by getting them to think about other points of view and feelings. Cards engage students by asking them to empathise with other peoples' points of view including: • 'If I could be world champion of something it would be…' • 'What I'd like to change about myself is…' • 'I admire people who…'. 4-5 players Age: 12-15 Empathy Game is one of the games played in Your Choice: The Skills of Friendship which provides a complete curriculum looking at the importance of making people feel welcomed and valued, the qualities of trust, empathy and some 'do's and don'ts' of friendship.
32 cards, instruction booklet
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