The book is designed to support: children with Speech, Language and Communication needs; children with social, emotional and behavioural needs; children with social skills needs; children with social communication needs and children where there is a concern of or diagnosis of ASD.
Who is it for:
- Parents, grandparents and family who would like to support their child's development at home
- Early years staff: SENCos to support planning activities and strategies for SEND action plans, Keyworkers to support individual planning, teachers and teaching assistants.
The benefits:
- The aim is to have a frame work for gentle, consistent play with a focus on HOW they play that will support children's scores to improve across all the social communication areas on the assessment page, development in all of those areas plus an increase in communicative confidence, independence and relationships with staff and peers.
- For Early years settings this book is intended to actively support individual planning and early intervention for young children to support their development.
- For school staff: this book is intended to 'fill the gap' for children who are not yet ready to access circle time, group games or social skill programmes that require a child to be ready to follow instructions, wait and participate in a group, is still learning to accept adult agenda and to help children establish a good play relationship with an adult gradually moving towards incorporating another child and then the earliest stages of small group circletime.
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