183 page book plus CD included with printable worksheets and 21 ‘We Can Make It Better!’ Stories
At the centre of the strategy is a short story that provides opportunities for an individual or small group to identify social dilemmas, express ideas to make the dilemmas better, and gain more understanding in how one person’s behaviour (spoken words and actions) can positively or negatively impact the outcome (relationship) between people. Each story follows the same sequence, with the introduction of a familiar event or activity (such as playing a board game with a friend) and a set of social dilemmas related to the context.
We Can Make It Better!
A Strategy to Motivate and Engage Young Learners in Social Problem-Solving Through Flexible Stories
By Elizabeth Delsandro
SKU: 520-51971
Categories: Emotional Intelligence & Empathy, Life Skills, Resiliency, Social Skills, THE ZONES OF REGULATION
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